Photo of students and parents receiving scholarships

“During the Parent University, three students were awarded scholarships. One student from Homedale, along with Joelly Mendoza-Acosta and Kassy Ortiz from Wilder. We are proud of the accomplishments of these students. Parents also gained valuable information about higher education opportunities and money students can use towards their future readiness. Notes from the meeting are posted under the Parent University in the menu at

"Durante la Universidad de Padres 3 estudiantes fueron becados. Un estudiante de Homedale junto con Joelly Mendoza-Acosta y Kassy Ortiz de Wilder. Estamos orgullosos de los logros de estos estudiantes. Los padres también obtuvieron información valiosa sobre oportunidades de educación superior y dinero que los estudiantes pueden usar para su preparación futura. Las notas de la reunión se publican en Parent University en el menú en"